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Student and Faculty Guide for using Generative AI

This guide is a starting point for those who want to learn more about Generative AI, and how to use it as a student, educator or researcher.

About this guide

This guide is a starting point for UO students, educators, and researchers who are interested in learning:

  • Basic information about generative AI (including what generative AI is and what some examples of generative AI tools are)

  • Responsible use and best practices in using generative AI (including what to consider if you're going to be using a generative AI tool to create content for an assignment)

  • How to avoid plagiarism (including how to cite content created by generative AI)
  • How to find generative AI tools to use in research, teaching, and learning (including what to consider when picking a tool)

Generative AI and the UO

UO's Student Conduct Code

This UO policy defines plagiarism and how AI can be considered plagiarism. Please reference it to stay up to date with how the university approaches student use.

What is Plagiarism? 

Presenting another’s material as one’s own, including using another’s words, results, processes or ideas, in whole or in part, without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism is contingent on the content of the submitted work product, regardless of whether the unattributed material was included intentionally or unintentionally. The use of material taken from any source—whether directly quoted, paraphrased, or otherwise adapted—must be attributed to that source.

Plagiarism and Generative Artificial Intelligence

Plagiarism also includes the submission of material generated by others. This may include:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) content generators and generative AI tools such as ChatGPT

  • Websites with a question-and-answer feature, such as Course Hero, Chegg, and Bing

  • Assistance from tutors or online language translators that results in unoriginal work; and

  • Work that is purchased or otherwise prepared by another individual.

Plagiarism - how to avoid it

The following format is appropriate for attribution (although students must check with their professors to ensure this is sufficient):

  • AI tool and version
  • Date
  • Prompt/s or instructions

See more detailed instructions on how to cite generative AI tools in the Using Generative AI as a Student section of this guide.