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LING 297: Introduction to Bilingualism (Pérez Báez)



Welcome to the Linguistics 297 Course Guide! Use the side navigation to learn more about each of the steps of the research process. Find research sources under Step 3. Find Materials.

Contact the Linguistics Librarian with questions or to get more help!

Required Course Readings

Research is a Process (Infographic)

Research is an iterative process, meaning it's repetitive but you learn as you move forward and make changes. It's more cyclical than straightforward or linear. Use the guide navigation to learn about each of the steps of the process, and don't be afraid to jump around between steps.

The "Research is a Process" infographic: Follow the "long description" infographic link for a web accessible description.

Long description of "Research is a process" infographic for web accessibility

Thanks to IUPUI University Library for allowing remix of this graphic under a Creative Commons license.

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