Founded in 1920 by eminent flutist Georges Barrère, composer Lamar Stringfield, and a group of their associates, The New York Flute Club is the oldest such organization in the United States.
Non-profit organization celebrating the musical and cultural expressions of the world’s indigenous and folk flute traditions. Holds annual convention and issues quarterly publication Overtones.
International professional organizations for flute:
An organization with the shared mission of promoting new music for the flute by commissioning works, organizing simultaneous premieres, and encouraging repeat performances.
Committee of the National Flute Association that oversees commissions of new works for annual sponsored competitions as well as one-time special projects.
Online finding aid for extensive collection of flutes, statuary, iconography, books, music, trade catalogs, tutors, patents, and other materials mostly related to the flute. Includes thousands of images and several scholarly essays about Dayton C. Miller and his collection.
During the 2024-2025 school year, I am offering virtual appointments Mondays through Fridays, and in-person appointments on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.