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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Practices in the Law School Classroom
Articles for Professors - Diversity and Inclusion Pedagogy
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Practices in the Law School Classroom
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Pedagogical approaches to diversity and inclusion
Jamie R. Abrams, Experiential Learning and Assessment in the Era of Donald Trump, 55 Duq. L. Rev. 75 (2017) (HeinOnline)
Anastasia M. Boles, Seeking Inclusion from the inside out: Towards a Paradigm of Culturally Proficient Legal Education, 11 Charleston L. Rev. 209, 269 (2017) (HeinOnline)
Mary Ann Danowitz & Frank Tuitt, Enacting Inclusivity Through Engaged Pedagogy: A Higher Education Perspective, Equity & Excellence in Education, 44:1, 40-56, (2011) (HeinOnline)
Sean Darling-Hammond and Kristen Holmquist, Creating Wise Classrooms to Empower Diverse Law Students: Lessons in Pedagogy from Transformative Law Professors, 25 La Raza L.J. (2015) (HeinOnline)
Johanna K. P. Dennis, Ensuring a Multicultural Educational Experience in Legal Education: Start with the Legal Writing Classroom, 16 Tex. Wesleyan L. Rev. 613, 644 (2010) (HeinOnline)
Meera E. Deo, Maria Woodruff & Rican Vue, Paint by Number? How the Race and Gender of Law School Faculty Affect the First-Year Curriculum, 29 Chicano/a-Latino/a L. Rev. 1, 18–24 (2010) (HeinOnline)
Pamela Edwards; Raquel Gabriel; Donna Lee; and David Nadvorney, Teaching Law in a Multicultural, Multilingual Context, (2008). CUNY Academic Works.
Aisha C. Gottfredson, A.T. Panter, Charles E. Daye, Walter F. Allen & Linda F. Wightman, The Effects of Educational Diversity in a National Sample of Law Students: Fitting Multilevel Latent Variable Models in Data With Categorical Indicators, 44 Multivari
Robet J. Rhee, On Legal Education and Reform: one View Formed from Diverse Perspectives, 70 Md. L. Rev. 310, 340 (2011) (HeinOnline)
Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, Beyond Best Practices for Legal Education: Reflections on Cultural Awareness—Exploring the Issues in Creating a Law School and Classroom Culture, William Mitchell Law Review: Vol. 38: Iss. 3, Article 5 (2012)
Julie Spanbauer, Using a Cultural Lens in the Law School Classroom to Stimulate Self-Assessment, 48 Gonz. L. Rev. 365 (2013) (HeinOnline)
Patricia A. Wilson, Recreating the Law School to Increase Minority Participation: The Conceptual Law School, 16 Tex. Wesleyan L. Rev. 577, 596 (2010)
Clanitra Stewart Nejdl and Shamika D. Dalton, Legal Research Instruction and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Insights for Classroom Management in Person and Online, 41(2) Legal Reference Services Quarterly 82 (2022)
Laura P. Graham, "Safe Spaces" And "Brave Spaces": The Case for Creating Law School Classrooms That Are Both, 76(1) Univ. of Miami L. Rev. 84 (2021)
Books for Professors - Diversity and Inclusion Pedagogy
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