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Country Profiles
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
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Country Profiles
Selected list of web sites containing country profiles created by intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and bilateral aid organizations such as USAID with an emphasis on developing nations.
Country Profiles
Collections of Country Profiles
Intergovernmental Organizations
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
Bilateral Development Agencies
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Other International Studies Guides
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) - Aid-related
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) (aid related)
Action Against Hunger
. Click on map for country list.
Child Fund International
. Choose a location on the map and then click on “more” to read country profile.
Conservation International
Go to "Our Work" (upper left) -> "Where"
CRIN (Child Rights Information Network)
Heifer International
See "Flagship Projects" for projects in particular countries
International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
Mercy Corps
Select "Our Work" and scroll down
Open Society Foundations
Save the Children
Other Nongovernmental Organizations
Other nongovernmental organizations
Africa; south of the Sahara
A collection of links from Stanford University
ction of links from Stanford University, browseable by country
African Studies
Large set of links for each country (Columbia University).
Al Bawaba
Links to educational, government, media and commercial sites in Arab countries. Click on "Country Specific News" (small link on right side.)
Amnesty International
. Select country from menu; choose annual report.
BBC News
Countries of the World
Information is from CIA World Factbook, The UN Statistical Office, The Library of Congress Country Studies and other sources.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Enter country of interest in search bar at top of page.
. Links to documents on development issues, by country.
Freedom House
. Political and press freedom.
Human Rights Watch
Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
Topically organized links for each country (UT-Austin).
Looklex Encyclopedia
An internet encyclopedia devoted to the Middle East and Northern African region.
Measure DHS
. Demographic and health surveys. Funded by USAID and other organizations.
New Agriculturist
Political Database of the Americas
Click on topic, then select country of interest (Georgetown University).
Transparency International
. Political corruption.
Intergovernmental Organizations
Bilateral Development Agencies >>