This research guide supports the interdisciplinary program "Comics & Cartoon Studies" at the University of Oregon.
For more information about the program, visit their website.
This guide was designed to support the work of students pursuing coursework in the Comics and Cartoon Studies program.
Covers for comic books by the Kartoon Kings (Simon Grennan and Christopher Sperandio) from left to right: Ghost on the Stair, Invisible City, and The Bradford One Hundred. All can be found in the UO Libraries' Architecture and Allied Arts Library artists' books collection.
Use the menu on the left to find resources related to your research. If you get stuck, use the options in the "Need Help?" box or contact a librarian. There are multiple librarians who support the Comics and Cartoon Studies degree at the University of Oregon:
Jeff Staiger, English and Humanities Librarian,
Kevin McDowell, Japanese Studies Librarian,