LibrarySearch offers a streamlined interface for finding books and other media that combines the collections of UO Libraries and Summit libraries.
Look for the work of these important scholars of German cinema:
These subject headings will also be useful:
Authored books offer a chance to learn about a subject in depth. Edited books can provide a chapter or chapters targeted to your topic.
Library Catalog (LibrarySearch):
To search:
If you only want books/videos/music available in the UO Libraries' system:
To broaden your search - If you want books/videos/music in the UO Libraries' system and the consortium of 37 colleges and universities in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: use UO + Summit (Summit materials generally arrive within five days)
If you want to broaden your search even further - Use WorldCat to search beyond the UO Libraries and the regional consortium. These materials are requested through Interlibrary Loan and may come from any library. Books and AV items arrive within an average of ten days. On the UO Libraries' homepage look for the WorldCat link: