Use Westlaw to search for articles in law reviews and other law journals. In the Browse box, under All Content, click on Secondary Sources. Under Publication Type, check Law Reviews and Journals. Type search terms in the main search box.
Search for spotted owl.
The results are sorted by Relevance; however, you can change it to Date or Most Cited. Using the left pane, you can narrow your results by date or searching for a term(s) within the articles. For example, in the Search Within box, type mediat! to narrow your results. Make sure you Apply Filters to run the search. Note: This is a terms and connectors search, so mediat! will capture mediation, mediate, mediated, etc.
For the pdf of the articles, use HeinOnline. You can either search across the database or search by library (Law Journal Library). Because searching on Westlaw is generally easier than HeinOnline, Hein is more often used to get pdfs of articles when you already know the citation.