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University of Oregon
UO Libraries


Guide for undergraduates writing a paper or doing research in either physical or human geography.

Finding Books

UO LibrarySearch searches for books and many other types of items such as articles, maps, videos, music, etc. To limit to books, click on 'Books' under "Material Type" on the left side.

UO LibrarySearch searches the holdings of many libraries at once. If you are interested in searching for just items owned by the UO Libraries, use the drop-down box in the search bar to limit your search to UO Libraries. BEWARE: limiting your results to Available at UO after you do your search excludes all the online books and journals the Library pays for you to use. Only physical items are listed as Available at UO. If you limit you original search to UO + Summit you will exclude articles, but find items owned by Summit Libraries. You may request items from these libraries using the Get It > InterLibrary Loan links. It may take up to 10 days to get the book; however, requests from Summit Libraries often arrive in 5 days or less.  

Click on Details to find out more about an item. Details displays subject headings for the book.  You may click on the subject headings to find more items on that exact subject.

When searching for books, use more general terms than when searching for articles. For example, if you want books about the politics of the marbled murrelet and logging old growth forests, you may want to expand your search to forest policy + endangered species + Pacific Northwest.

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Dean Walton