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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

PS 302: States' Rights (and Wrongs)

A guide to research on state and local governments and politics

Government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Find State Government Publications using Google

One way is to use Google Advanced Search

  • Enter your topic's keywords and then, in the Search by Site or Domain box, type: .[two-letter state abbreviation].us-- e.g. (Oregon) or (Tennessee).  For all the two-letter abbreviations, see here
  • More and more, city and state governments are adopting the .gov domain name, e.g. Indiana:, so you probably should try both
    • In Oregon, as in many other states, the main pages are under the .gov domain. However, many documents (.pdf and .doc) will still be under the old .[xx].us domain
    • Searching on the domain will also bring up city and county government documents for that state.
  • You can search for city and county governments using the domain: .ci.[cityname].[xx].us or .co.[county name].[xx].us, e.g. for the city of Seattle, or for Lane County, OR.

Finding government information for states other than Oregon can be challenging.  See the sites below, and also here are some tips:

  • Use the Advanced Google searching described under Web Search, limiting to the domain ending(s) for your state.
  • Look for a guide created by a university library in that state.  One way to do this is to do a Google search on:
    • libguide [state name] government information

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