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Japanese/Asian Studies Databases (English)
Japanese Databases
Bungei shunjū This link opens in a new window
Bungei Shunjū has been one of the most popular and influential monthly literary magazines in Japan since its founding in 1923 and the magazine has been a central venue for numerous contemporary writers to publish their essays, debates, and other literary works. The Bungeishunju Archives offers online access to articles by more than 4,000 individuals published between 1923 and 1959 with full text searching capability.
Fuzoku Gaho This link opens in a new window
The first issue of Fuzoku Gaho, released in 1889 by Toyodo publishing house and continued to be sold for 27 years until 1916, was the first graphic magazine produced in Japan, and is also known as a major journal source for the research of customs and social mores. The magazine contains a total of 518 issues covering content pertaining to social and cultural trends and conditions in the Edo, Meiji and Taisho periods, customs, history, literature, things/objects and affairs, geography (regional and world), war and disasters.
JapanKnowledge Lib This link opens in a new window
Collection of Japanese encyclopedias, dictionaries and other works.
Shinpen Kokka Taikan This link opens in a new window
Originally compiled as an index of old poems, since the Meiji period the Encyclopedia of Japanese Waka Poetry has been the desk companion that has made contributions to the work of countless researchers. While inheriting the same objectives, this completely re-edited and definitive dictionary has undergone a thorough review of the contents, and incorporates the achievements of a great accumulation of new research.
Japanese Studies Journals (Japanese) UO