For additional help finding films, check out these research guides:
Search over one million digital images in the fields of the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences.
As of August 1, 2024 the former Artstor website is now completely incorporated into JSTOR. All content is now located there.
Oregon Digital provides discovery of and access to unique digitized and born-digital materials, including photographs, articles, sheet music, manuscripts, ephemera, and more. Materials in the broad collection are contributed from the University of Oregon and Oregon State University.
Ethnographic Sound Archives Online brings together over 2,000 hours of previously unpublished historic field recordings from around the world, alongside their supporting field notes and ethnographers’ metadata, opening new paths for the study of music in its cultural context.
This resource contains materials from cultural studies of music from across the globe. Produced in collaboration with the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive and the Ethnomusicology Archive at the University of Washington, the material in this collection includes thousands of audio field recordings and interviews, educational recordings, film footage, field notebooks, slides, correspondence and ephemera from over 60 fields of study.
Popular music from around the world, including pop, country, Christian, electronic, hip-hop, metal, punk, new age, R&B, reggae, rock, soundtracks and many more.
For additional sources for music research, check out these research guides: