Below are 4 top strategies to narrow your search:
- Use AND between keywords to find articles where two or more keywords appear together

- Use the filters / limiters in the search interface to narrow your search results to a specific date range or resource type (format: book, journal article, news article, etc.)

- Add a Subject Term (found in a database's Index or Thesaurus) to your search to find results that are "tagged" with that term to indicate they are "about" that topic/idea. Tip: Use just 1 or 2 Subject Terms per search so you don't get too narrow too quickly and end up with too few results.
After adding a Subject Term to your search, click "Search" and then combine with additional keywords using AND. Note where the Subject Term shows up in your results:

- Choose a database that is limited to your major, subject, or discipline. Use the link below to find a research guide with database recommendations for your discipline!