The Design Library has rotating exhibitions of artists' books and other materials from our collection. They rotate with each term.
The Spring 2016 exhibition is Cuts, Snarls, Snags, and the Black Hole. It features items from the artists' books collection that are made with hair or are about the body. This exhibition is on view from March 25, 2016 through June 14, 2016.
Cuts, Snarls, Snags, and the Black Hole highlights books in the collection that were created using hair, a material with a complex history relating to many aspects of identity, family, gender, and social structure. The examples in this exhibition cover topics related to racism, the mundane, and the complicated relationships we have with our own hair.
The exhibit includes a variety of items that demonstrate a range of creative approaches to book arts construction and concept around a secondary theme, body. Examples make use of a variety of materials, and topics include illness, beauty, and surveillance.
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485