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University of Oregon
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Artists' Books

Artists' Books Collection at the University of Oregon Libraries

Images of books in Curls, Snarls, Snags, and the Black Hole

Cuts, Snarls and Snags by Carol Prusa

The Black Hole by Diane Jacobs

How Disease Can Be Beautiful...Through the Back Loop our Soul Is Fully Christmas by Kimberly Loewe & Jill Spector

Sur Veils: My Eyes Are Closed by Miranda Maher

Me Nose by Hayley Barker

Your Skin in this Weather Bourne Eye-Threads & Swollen Perfume by Jessica Stockholder

Keep My Secrets by Marcella Stasa

The Book of Plagues by Margot Lovejoy

Your/My Insecurities Are My Limbs by Tamar Stone

About Cuts, Snarls, Snags, and the Black Hole

Cuts, Snarls, Snags, and the Black Hole highlights books in the collection that were created using hair, a material with a complex history relating to many aspects of identity, family, gender, and social structure. The examples in this exhibition cover topics related to racism, the mundane, and the complicated relationships we have with our own hair.

The exhibit includes a variety of items that demonstrate a range of creative approaches to book arts construction and concept around a secondary theme, body. Examples make use of a variety of materials, and topics include illness, beauty, and surveillance.

Books in the Exhibition