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University of Oregon

A-Z Databases

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5 Databases

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  • Videos database
  • UO restricted.  Login required for off-campus access.
Alternate Name(s):Kanopy Streaming Video (UO students, faculty, and staff only)
Offers streaming access to a large variety of documentary and feature films. Major subject areas include the arts, business and training, media and communication, natural sciences and social sciences. Kanopy is limited to UO students, faculty, and staff. A DuckID is required for access both on and off campus.
  • UO restricted.  Login required for off-campus access.
Alternate Name(s):Dun & Bradstreet Key Business Ratios; Mergent Key Business Ratios

Provides 14 key business ratios for private and public companies for competitive benchmarking in over 800 lines of businesses. Contains Solvency, Efficiency, and Profitability ratios from 2009-2012.

  • UO restricted.  Login required for off-campus access.
Alternate Name(s):Korea A to Z; Korea A2Z
If you experience issues attempting to connect to this resource, please use the UONET VPN

Full-text database on classical Korean literary works, history records, and articles from old newspapers & journals. Includes Samguk Sagi (삼국사기), Saso Samgyong (사서삼경), and the Digital Encyclopedia of National Culture (EncyKorea).
  • UO restricted.  Login required for off-campus access.
Alternate Name(s):Korean Social Science Data Center database; Hanğuk Sahoe Kwahak Chosa T'onggye Charyo Ak'aibu; 한국사회과학 조사통계자료 아카이브
If you experience issues attempting to connect to this resource, please use the UONET VPN

The unified DB of Korean Social Science Data Center (KSDC) consist of all kinds of statistical yearbooks published by the government, public institutions and overseas institutions.
  • UO restricted.  Login required for off-campus access.
Alternate Name(s):교보 문고 스콜라; Kyobo scholar
Scholarly multi-disciplinary full-text database, including 1,744 scholarly journals published by prominent academic societies and research centers in Korea. The journal titles are arranged by 13 subject categories such as Humanities; Social Science; Education; Religion; Art & Physical; Natural Science; and Engineering.