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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

WR 123: Politics of Sports

The WR 123: Politics of Sports guide contains sports related library databases, journals and web sources you can use for your research papers.


When you need current news coverage and commentary using freely available open web sources can be particularly helpful. We have provided a list of some publications and websites useful for research questions relating to sports and politics. Whenever you use open web sources it is important to remember to evaluate the information to ensure it is credible and relevant to your research. If there is bias in the information, you should seek out information that provides the opposing perspective so you have balanced information. 

While many websites provide free content, those associated with subscription-based (fee based) magazines will have some restrictions on their content. You should check the University Libraries holdings to see if we provide subscribe to the periodical. If we do not, place an interlibrary loan request for the material.  

Online Magazines (freely-available on open web)


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